Please click here tell me what social issue you chose to document, and what you learned!
New York Times x Photojournalism
The New York Times has released a rare advertisement which champions the work of photojournalists. What does it make you think? What does it make you feel? Why might this ad be especially important right now in our culture?
James Nachtwey and the Value of Photojournalism
James Nachtwey is a renowned photojournalist who has documented numerous war zones and social issues throughout the world. Please watch the above video and explore his work to learn more.
Why do you think Nachtwey does what he does? What is his motivation? Do you feel his work makes a difference? Why or why not?
Street Photography Reflection
Click here to tell me about your experience shooting street photos!
Gordon Parks
Street Photography
To take photographs means to recognize - simultaneously and within a fraction of a second - both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one's head, one's eye and one's heart on the same axis. - Henri Cartier-Bresson
Composition Quiz!
Composition in Photo Essays
View this photo essay. Choose three images and describe what types of composition you see in them here.
Eli Reed
“The main thing for me is that I'm happy that I've been able to work as a professional photographer. What is at the core of my work is, in essence, a meditation on being a human being. ”
YouTube: The Lost Boys of Sudan
LIFE Photo Essays
What is Composition and Why Does it Matter?
Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work.
In other words, it is HOW the subject is arranged within the frame of the photograpH -- NOT WHAT the subject is.
It is so important because it helps us to create more interesting and compelling photographs, and it helps us to convey our meaning more convincingly. Once you start thinking about composition in your photography, it is hard to stop.
Here is what another photographer has to say on the topic. And here are some examples of elements found in photographic compositions:
Pattern and Repetition
Light and Shadow
Leading Lines
Shallow Depth of Field
Worm's Eye View
Frame Within a Frame
Aerial View / Bird's Eye View
Rule of Thirds